This is when I first got the bike and I’m parked in front of the house I rented on Silver Strand Beach in Oxnard. Pictured in the sidecar is my room mates (Dante) dog, Julio.
First Look
“This is the first rebuild I did. This image is in 1974 in the back yard of the house I rented in Lancaster”

Kicking Back
This is after the second rebuild. I am just relaxing in a parking lot that is closed off because there was a car really going on. This is about 1975
Ready to Ride
“This image is also in 1975 on the front porch of the house I rented in Lancaster”

This is the final image before I loaded up the bike and took to Ventura for Dave to restore it. This is about 1978 in the front yard of the house we owned in Walnut Creek. Also in the image is my 1972 datsun “Z” car (wish I still had that too).
And this is it!
you might want the sound on for this one…